Fan Fiction, fandom essays, and original fiction by Syrenslure
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Kevin Smith said it best in Dogma (and no, I don't own him either, though he seems like a really cool guy)"Disclaimer: 1) a renunciation of any claim to or connection with; 2)a desavowal; 3) a statement made to save one's own ass.
Though it'll go without saying [this work is] not to be taken seriously. To insist that any of what follows is incendiary or inflammatory is to miss our intention and pass undue judgment; and passing judgment is reserved for God and God alone [...].
So please - before you think about hurting someone over this trifle [...], remember: even God has a sense of humor. Just look at the platypus. Thank you and enjoy [this].
P.S. We sincerely apologize to all platypus enthusiasts out there who are offended by that thoughtless comment about the platypi. We [here] respect the noble platypus, and it is not our intention to slight these stupid creatures in any way.
Thank you again [...]."
The works on this site are fan fiction (with essays and original fiction occasionally thrown in and marked as such) and are intended as entertainment (mostly for myself). Thank you to the writers and producers of the original content that has provided the inspiration for these works. No copyright infringement is intended.
I support transformative works, and as such you do not need to ask my permission to remix, podfic, translate, create art for or create secondary fanwork of any fanwork I have posted. You should include a link back to my work, and feel free to share the link to your work with me - I'd love to see it.